Switzerland as outgoing Chair of EPIC’s S STEERING COMMITTEE
Switzerland, represented by Dr. Sylvie Durrer, Director of the Federal Office for Gender Equality, has chaired the Steering Committee of EPIC since the launch of the coalition in 2017. Sylvie Durrer is now passing on the torch to Rakesh Patry, Director General of International Affairs Canada.
As outgoing Chair, Sylvie Durrer states
“Over the last four years [as Chair of the Steering Committee of EPIC], I have had the honor to participate in an active manner in all kinds of discussions and events and to witness the growth of this important initiative. Since 2017, EPIC has welcomed 50 new members and launched the Equal Pay International Day celebrated on 18 September. EPIC has developed a certification system and “EPIC good practices” certificates have been delivered to various countries and organizations. The coalition has played and will continue to play a key role in shedding light on the issue of the gender pay gap and in advancing towards the achievement of full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men by 2030, as set out in target 8.5 of the SDGs. I believe this role has strengthened Switzerland’s conviction that sharing experiences between stakeholders from the public and private sector is key to empower women. Finally, I would like to recall that none of this would have been possible without the active involvement of all members and the hard work of the Secretariat of EPIC, whom I thank for their commitment and support. It is with pleasure and confidence that I pass on the baton to Rakesh Patry, whom I also thank already for the great ideas and projects he will bring to this coalition.”