16 Mar 2023 - 16 Mar 2023
8:15 am - 9:30 am (America/New_York)

Despite the potential opportunities created by new technologies and digitalization for all, the gender gaps are still persistent. Women are significantly under-represented in the tech industries, information and communication technologies sector (ICT), and platform work, making up less than one-third of their employment. And when women do get a job in those sectors, they are promoted at a slower rate than men and face a significant gender pay gap. There are still invisible barriers, including gender stereotypes, sticky floors, and glass ceilings that discourage women from pursuing education and careers in STEM fields.

Hosted by EPIC, this event will be an opportunity to amplify interest in innovative and practical solutions and in promising global initiatives to reduce the gender pay gap with attention to the digital economy. Special guests will engage in an interactive discussion to advance equal pay for work of equal value globally and take tailored action at country level.

Opening remarks:
• Emanuela Pozzan, ILO – Senior Gender Specialist
• Bathylle Missika, OECD – Head of Division- Gender, Philanthropy & Partnerships
• Jemimah Njuki, UN Women – Chief of the Economic Empowerment section

Panel discussion:
• Ms. Marcela Guerrero, Minister for the Status of Women and Executive President of the National Women’s Institute of Costa Rica (INAMU)
• Ms. Paola Lazo Corvera, Secretary of Substantive Equality between Women and Men, Government of Jalisco (Mexico)
• Mr. Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
• Ms. Wendy Chun-Hoon, Director, Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor
• Ms. Sylvie Durrer, Director of the Federal Office for Gender Equality FOGE, Switzerland
• Ms. Tanya Cohen, representing IOE
• Ms. Siobhan Vipond, Canadian Labour Congress

The event will be moderated by Mr. Rakesh Patry, Director General, International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs, Department of Employment and Social Development, Canada, and the Chair of EPIC.

Please register for in-person attendance via this link

You can also follow the event live via UN Web TV